Smith and Waddington - Engineering & Assembly Plant
In 1926 Smith and Waddington built a six-storey factory in Camperdown. They designed and assembled touring buses and luxury motorcars such as Rolls Royce, using an innovative production system way ahead of its time.
Hydraulic lifts brought car chassis to the top floor of the building and as the chassis moved down the assembly line, well-designed and engineered components were assembled on each floor. By the time the cars and buses reached the ground floor, they were ready for final inspection by their new owners.
Bradford Cotton Mills - Leading Manufacturer Of Textiles
Bradford Cotton Mills moved into the building in 1931. The Camperdown factory was a spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, and finishing plant.
The cotton mills played a major role in employing the local community for over 50 years. Bradford became a key player in the cotton industry with several factories across Australia. In 1968 they adopted the name Bradmill Industries.
Rhodes House - A Great Place To Live
After the cotton mills the building remained vacant for a few years. In 1993 it was converted into an elegant apartment block.
With characteristic lofty ceilings, spacious living areas, and stunning views, Rhodes House residents now enjoy a stylish city lifestyle.
Owners Corporation
The Owners Corporation is made up of all lot owners at Rhodes House.
The key areas of responsibility are:
maintaining and repairing the common property
managing the finances of the strata scheme
having adequate insurances in place
keeping records and accounts
administering the scheme’s by-laws
All lot owners are entitled to participate in the Owners Corporation decision-making and are encouraged to contribute when possible. Our scheme is registered with Land & Property Information (LPI) as Strata Plan 46789.
At its Annual General Meeting (AGM) the Owners Corporation elects up to nine people to make the necessary decisions on behalf of the owners. This group is called the Strata Committee and has a Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as general members.
Strata Committee
The Strata Committee is elected by owners at the AGM to serve for twelve months and undertake the day-to-day administration of the strata scheme.
The Rhodes House Strata Committee is scheduled to meet every two months. These management meetings for decision-making have a formal agenda and a limited time frame. Under the strata legislation owners may attend the meetings as observers, but may only speak with the permission of the Chair.
Many administrative decisions are made outside of the formal meetings for the smooth running of the property and supervision of the strata agent and business and building managers.
Strata Managing Agent
The Strata Managing Agent assists the Owners Corporation and the Strata Committee in dealing with statutory obligations, including:
maintaining financial records and preparing accounts and tax returns
issuing quarterly levy notices and recovering any unpaid levies
managing insurance claims
signing contracts and issuing work orders
Building Management
The Building Management Company is the contractor engaged by the Owners Corporation from time to time to be responsible for the successful operation and management of Rhodes House. The Building Manager is provided by the Building Management Company to provide on-site attendance for an agreed period from Monday to Friday, plus after-hours support.
The Building Manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of Rhodes House, including:
organising proactive maintenance of the building and grounds
providing building operations reports to the Strata Committee
supervising contractors and ensuring quality and timely repairs and maintenance
monitoring and managing security measures, keys, and swipe cards
workplace health and safety management systems
maintaining detailed and accurate documents, records, and files
Strata Legislation
Rhodes House is governed by strata legislation that includes:
Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 No 50
Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016
Strata Plan 46789 By-laws